ইংরেজি বলতে গেলেই মাঝপথে থেমে যান? জেনে নিন সমস্যাটির কিছু দুর্দান্ত সমাধান

ইংরেজিতে কথা বলতে অনেকেই চান। কিন্তু মনে ভয় কাজ করে, যদি আটকে যাই? যদি ঠিকমতো কথা বলতে না পারি? যদি সবাই হাসাহাসি করে? ভুলে যাবেন না, আপনি যদি শুরুই না করেন, কখনোই পারবেন না। আপনাকে শুরু করতে হবে, সেটা ভুল দিয়ে হলেও। ভুল করতে করতেই না শুদ্ধটা শিখবেন! শুরুর দিকে একটা সমস্যা কমবেশি সবাইকেই বেশ ভোগায়। সেটা হচ্ছে কথা বলতে গিয়ে কথা খুঁজে না পাওয়া। সেই সমস্যার সমাধানই আমার আজকের লেখার অবতারণা।
নীচের ৫০ টি Sentence পড়ুন, আত্মস্থ করুন। কথা আর হারিয়ে খুঁজতে হবে না।
1. Hi, I’m [me].
2. So, you’re friends with [my friend].
3. I love your shirt. Where did you get it?
4. So, you like soccer?
5. What do you think about the music they play here?
6. Have you read anything else by that author?
7. Did you see what happened in the news last night?
8. I love this song! Are you a big Bruno Mars fan?
9. You look familiar. Did you grow-up around here?
10. I think I know you from somewhere. Do you go to  University of Dhaka?
11. Aren’t you Maria from my English class?
12. I’ve never been here before. What do you recommend from the menu?
13. Do you know how to log into the Wi-Fi?
14. Hey, is the internet down right now?
15. I like your shoes.
16. Your hair is so beautiful.
17. Who cuts your hair? I love it.
18. So…. You like to watch baseball.
19. You work in marketing, right?
20. Doesn’t it hurt to walk in shoes like that?
21. How’s it going?
22. Good morning!
23. Do you know where I can get some good sushi around here?
24. How long have you been working here?
25. Do you like working for Wal-Mart?
26. Dang! How much coffee do you drink?
27. Can I get in on the next game?
28. Sorry to bother you, but do you know any good mechanics?
29. Hey, I have to find 50 people to take a survey for my business class. Can you help me out?
30. Man! It’s been a rough week. I really need a strong drink. Do you want one?
31. What are you drinking?
32. Is this your first time you’ve been to a Justin Bieber concert?
33. Do you know where the bathroom is?
34. Have you lived in Miami for long?
35. This place is really nice. Do you come here a lot?
36. I bet I can beat you at pool (billiards).
37. Do you want to play volleyball with us? We need one more person on our team.
38. Do you know how this thing works?
39. What cell phone company do you have? I’m thinking about changing mine.
40. Do you like your iPhone? I really want the new one.
41. Have you heard of any good movies coming out? I am going to the theater with friends tomorrow and we need to decide on something to see.
42. Are you new here? I’ve never seen you working out here before.
43. Hi! Aren’t you Jeffrey’s daughter?
44. I haven’t seen you in a long time! How have you been?
45. Did this song just come out? I’ve never heard it before.
46. I hate this song. It’s on the radio every other minute.
47. Do you know where I can buy ticket to big soccer match on Sunday?
48. So, you’re a Yankees fan. How are they doing this season?
49. Well, this is awkward. I hate sitting in silence.
50. That was weird. I’ve never seen such a crazy thing happen here before.

শুভকামনা রইলো।
